A spreadsheet for NetSuite!

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Access all your NetSuite data!

NetSheet.io is a built-in spreadsheet for NetSuite that can read all your data in realtime using SuiteQL.


Each cell can have it's own SuiteQL statement with parameters. Column filters can also be used to further filter the data.

Functions you already know!

NetSheet.io uses familiar Excel-like functions -- over 200! As well as functions like NS.SUITEQL and NS.SEARCH that can access your NetSuite data.


NetSheet.io runs directly in NetSuite as a native SuiteApp. All spreadsheets are stored securely in the NetSuite database.  

Powerful Functions

Netsheet.io supports over 200 standard spreadsheet functions including NetSuite specific functions that allow to you directly query your data 

NS.SUITEQLExecute any SuiteQL statement and return the results to the spreadsheet. The returned data fills in cells left-to-right and top-to-bottom.=NS.SUITEQL("SELECT TOP 5 CompanyName, BalanceSearch As Balance, UnbilledOrdersSearch As Unbilled FROM Customer WHERE ((BalanceSearch > 0) OR (UnbilledOrdersSearch > 0 )) ORDER BY BalanceSearch")
NS.SEARCHExecute any search and return all rows to the spreadsheet. The returned data fills in cells left-to-right and top-to-bottom. =NS.SEARCH("customsearch_customer_balances")
NS.CURRENTUSERGet the current user id.=NS.SUITEQL("SELECT LOWER(scriptid) AS scriptid, name, fieldtype, fieldvaluetype,BUILTIN.DF(owner) AS owner, lastmodifieddate FROM CustomField WHERE owner = ? ORDER BY owner;", NS.CURRENTUSER("ID"))
NS.BARCHARTDisplay a bar chart based spreadsheet data.=NS.BARCHART(300, 600, "bottom", "n2", { "" }, { A2:A6 }, { C2:C6 })
NS.PIECHARTDisplay a pie chart based spreadsheet data.=NS.PIECHART(600, "bottom", "n2", { "" }, { A2:A6 }, { C2:C6 })
Excel-like FunctionsOver 200 standard Excel-like functions
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NetSheet.io, LLC
Ann Arbor, MI  48103


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